Corporation Tax (“IRC”)

Non-residents companies - offshore companies

What rates are applicable?

Non-residents without a permanent establishment are subject to tax at 25%. However, as indicated below this rate may vary according to the type of income.

Type of income Rates
Rental income* 15%
Capital Gains 25%
*See more on “Rental Income” section

Definitive withholding tax would be applicable in the following situations:

Type of income Rates
Dividends and income from nominative or bearer securities and the liquidation proceeds attributed to shareholders 25%
Dividends distributed to entities resident in an European Union Member State 25%
Royalties/technical assistance and equipment rentals 15%
Income from bonds and other financial investments 20%
Interest and royalty payments between associated companies (4), where the beneficial owner is a company of another Member State or a permanent establishment situated in another Member State of a company of a Member State (Directive n.º 2003/49/EC) 20%
Prizes from raffles, sweepstakes, lotto, games and contests 35%

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