Corporation Tax (“IRC”)

Non-residents companies - offshore companies

Rental Income

Withholding tax will be applied if the annual rental income is superior to 10.000 Euros and if paid by a company liable to IRC (e.g. Property management companies).

Regarding lettings the following are the costs that can deducted to the gross rental income:

Allowable to deduction*: Not allowable for deduction:
Property Municipal Tax (“IMI”) Gardening costs
Condominium charges Utility Bills
Maintenance Expenses and repairs Maid service
Building Insurance Property Management Company fees
* All costs will have to be substantiated by the production of invoices

The tax liability will be calculated as follows:

Annual Rental Income
- Annual Allowances    
= Taxable Income
x 15%                        
= Taxable amount
- Withholding Tax         
= Tax to be paid/refunded

Please note that all non-resident company (e.g. offshore) based on the black list-jurisdiction have a presumed rental income at 1/15th of the property rateable value.

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